Anatomy Physiology下载
Anatomy Physiology下载介绍
Anatomy Physiology下载一款功能强大更好清晰去了解自己身体内部详细构造应用服务软件,这款软件让本该身体内部复杂器官,让需要了解的医生清楚,这是一款功能强大软件,核弹头下载站小编这就给大家带来Anatomy Physiology下载,喜欢的朋友就在本站下载吧!Anatomy Physiology下载软件特点:
This app includes 12 units with 50 chapters/modules that use over 500 preset views of 3D models, more than 150 illustrations and animations, dozens of histology slides, and hundreds of quiz questions.
Within each of the 12 content units, you can
- Rotate the anatomical models. Zoom in or out.
- Read definitions and hear pronunciations.
- Watch short animations that explain physiological processes.
- Study by creating notecards. Favorite views to access later.
- Track your progress with learning objective checklists.
- Test your knowledge with quizzes.
- Share content with others.
Anatomy Physiology下载软件功能:
- 放大后即可用真正的3D模式查看神经如何离开脊髓以及神经与椎骨的关系。
- 旋转即可研究颅神经的分支或从各个角度研究对眼睛的显微解剖。
- 观看一段50秒钟的三维动画,其中解释说明肌肉收缩的生理机能。
- 自定义该应用程序并跟踪您的学习进度。 创建一个包含三维模型、插图、动画和您需要查看的笔记的收藏夹库。 访问一项对您的测验成绩进行的逐题评估来跟踪您对概
Anatomy Physiology下载功能特色:
Anatomy Physiology下载更新日志:
**More than 100 new microscope images showing body tissues!
**Zoom and pan all images in full screen mode! A single tap enters full screen mode and double tapping or pinching zooms in and out.
**Optimized for the newest iPhones and iPads!
**And as always, bug fixes, enhancements, and minor improvements.
- 版本信息
- 游戏大小 0 M
- 语言 简体中文
- 开发商 开发者正在努力完善中...
- 更新时间 2021-10-12
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